Visit To Canyonlands National Park and Hiking Grand View Point and Mesa Arch 2019-06-07

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from May 30 thru June 14th.

We stayed in Moab, UT which is also VERY close to Canyonlands National Park. Canyonlands is not as heavily visited as Arches so if Arches is busy you might consider visiting Canyonlands instead. We found Canyonlands to be as impressive in its own way with LOTS of hiking as Arches is and not nearly as crowded.

The drive to Grand View Point as this video shows take you past grasslands and then to the semi-arid desert. Again, as with all tourist areas relaxed riding is a requirement. In the National Parks there is a good chance that the visitor are from a foreign country. Relax, take a breath and just find your Zen.

At Canyonlands National Park Grand View Point you are looking down at millions of years of land build up and then millions of years of water slowly eroding the soil away:

Everywhere you turn, as the name implies, there is a Grand View:

After we hiked Grand View Point we went to Mesa Arch. More amazing landscape:

From there we went back to Moab to our hotel.

Motorcycle Trip To The Moab

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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: