Visit To Dead Horse Point State Park 2019-06-11

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from May 30 thru June 14th.

We stayed in Moab, UT which is also VERY close to Dead Horse Point State Park. This is also a little visited area, even less than Canyonlands. This park was created (and mysteriously named) before Canyonlands existed. Of course in its own way just as beautiful. If you REALLY want to get away from the crowds this is the place to be.

The drive to Dead Horse Point State Park as this video shows take you past grasslands and then to the semi-arid desert on top of the Colorado Plateau. You will find very little traffic here. You can see just a small crowd at the visitors center at the end of the video. Of course since we were on a Motorcycle we ALWAYS get up front parking :-) ...

We walked the East Rim Trail from the visitors center to Dead Horse Point and then the West Rim trail back to the visitors center, again have plenty of water with you. As you can see from the map you are on top of the mesa looking down at the canyons and the ever present Colorado River:

Sit for a while, soak in the vista:

Pinyon Pines are all over the landscape. Some survive, not all do. They grow in all kinds of shapes:

And of course the canyon is everywhere you look:

Off in the distance you see the mountains and the Blue Potash Ponds:

Since this was early in the season and it had rained there were flowers everywhere in amongst the strangely shaped Pinyon Pines. Below are just two of the flowers, the Claret Cup Cactus and the Utah State Flower the Sego Lily:

From there we went back to Moab to our hotel.

Motorcycle Trip To The Moab

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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: