Ride From Salt Lake City to Home 2019-06-14

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from May 30 thru June 14th.

Ride ride ride. This was my Zen day. Get on the bike and ride until I no longer wanted to. 800+ miles to get home, if I took two days that would be OK. (But you already know what happened :-)) ...

Rose caught a shuttle to the Salt Lake City airport at 7 AM, I was getting on my bike at about the same time. I joked with her as she left that I would pick her up at SEATAC when she landed and take her home. The sun was up as I headed North out of Salt Lake City. I put this video to Music, as suggested by Rose.

I got into the groove of riding, my true Zen. Wide open roads. Music playing in my ears. Stop to stretch. Stop and get gas. Maybe some food, mabe some food for the next rest stop. Get on down the road. Oh yeah, I cross over a time zone so I have an extra hour. By the time I get to Pendleton Oregon, subtract an hour, and it is after 3 PM but not 4 PM yet. Hmmm ... June 14th, sun won't go down until after 8 ... I should be able to make it home

Get gas, get some food. Call Rose and see how the flight went. On to Snoqualmie Pass and finally home:

Motorcycle Trip To The Moab

Any questions or comments send me e-mail
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E-Mail = "Outlook.Com"
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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: