Motorcycle Trip Black Hills SD August 8, 2020

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from August 4 thru August 13th.

While seeing the personalities in Sturgis can be interesting, one of the big draws to go to Sturgis is riding the black hills (click on the rides in this link to see the maps) around the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. All through the videos you can see throngs of motorcycles all over the place. Because motorcyclists like to ... Ride.

There are several memorials and state parks in the area. We visited the Crazy Horse Monument first, a fantastic homage to Native Americans. 'My fellow chiefs and I would like the white man to know that the red man has great heroes also' - Standing Bear:

This is a smaller version of what the reference model looked like (some small differences):

From there we rode through Custer State Park and you see the requisite Buffalo ride by at about the 1 minute mark. If / when you go to a park PLEASE heed the warnings about the wild animals. they ARE unpredictable and people get hurt or killed getting too close to them. They are NOT cows and they WILL hurt you as you are a predator and they know it. Custer State Park is beautiful, rolling hills and plains:

And a shot of the Buffalo from a safe distance:

After lunch we headed back out to see the Badlands. AS ALWAYS, check your gas as there are NO gas stations on State Highway 44 until you get to 'Cowboy Corner', the next closest is on I-90. We saw what appeared to be an abandoned tourist building as we drove through Scenic SD, not sure if it actually was an old building or just built to look that way:

When you finally get there you can see in this video WHY it is called The Badlands. Desolate, ground almost like concrete:

Another good view of the Badlands:

And a panoramic view of the miles and miles of stark landscape:

The final requisite picture of leaving the park:

From there we went back to our lodgings and as had happened on the last few days there was a rain storm on the horizon coming in right after we were safe.

Motorcycle Trip To Sturgis

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