Hike the Boy Scout Tree Trail October 05, 2021

We decided to hike the Boy Scout Tree Trail in the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park.

First, the trail is amazing and ever so quiet. The ONLY wildlife seen during the entire walk was a slug and a frog. No wildlife was heard at all. Redwood duff covers the forest floor and mutes sounds, Redwood bark discourages insects so no food for many birds and the VERY tall trees block wind.

There are some interesting caveats to finding the Boy Scout Tree. Redwood Hikes has a good description and an excellent map of the Boy Scout Tree Trail up to Fern Falls. I did not, however, see a mention of the Boy Scout Tree itself in his notes. I have circled the tree location in red on the map. Finding the tree is not easy as it is only marked by a SMALL arrow on the trail pointing up a slope (didn't see the arrow until after we came back down). The small trail is on the right as you hike into the woods before you get to Fern Falls. The trail is pretty much a scramble almost straight up the slope. The "Boy Scout" sign is on the backside of the tree (with respect to where the trail is). Some descriptions mention stairs, but I didn't see any. Try asking people on the trail and they will help you find it.

Now to the pictures. Pictures of Redwood Trees. And forest. You have seen pictures of forests, trees and Redwoods before, these are the ones we took :-) ...

The Boy Scout picture that is the reason for the tree's name:

The Boy Scout Tree:

Redwood Tree Forest:

Redwood Tree Forest (with a road for comparison):

And more Redwood Tree Forest:

From there back for dinner and to the lodgings in Crescent City, CA for the night.

Motorcycle Trip From Washington down Highway 101 to the Redwoods

Any questions or comments send me e-mail
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