Motorcycle Trip to Moscow Idaho to ride the mountains of Idaho. May 11, 2021 Thru May 14, 2021.

A map of the route to Moscow, Idaho. Ultimately this was just to ride across the WA State 20 'North Cascades" pass and then to the back roads of Idaho. The North Cascades pass hod *just* opened 5 days earlier. You can see the snow and video on the first day trip description. The entire ride was clear and beautiful, a perfect temperature (a little cold in the morning, but nice and warm later in the day).

The trip was a good mental break between a job change and COVID-19 'pandemic' stresses (yes, I was fully vaccinated before the trip). I was asked 'so, where are you going to go ...' I replied 'Elk City, Idaho ... Not sure what is in Elk City but the road going to there is Idaho State route 14. A road of 40+ miles that follows EVERY curve of the river'. Sometimes it is the ride that gets you there, not the destination.

The four-day trip

Motorcycle Trips

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