Motorcycle Trip Winthrop, WA to Moscow, Idaho May 12, 2021

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from May 11 thru May 14, 2021.

The day started by riding down out of the mountains and onto the Washing State plains. WHENEVER you go in or out of a pass you will ususally have high winds. If you see Wind Turbines turing then you will certainly encounter wind.

Nice scenic rides are all over this part of the country, State Route 155 has twisties and forests.

And nice views of distant mountains through the trees:

Eastern Washington is full of long two lane roads with evry little traffic and big open sky. Quiet and peaceful.

Further up is the Grand Coulee Dam. Part of the important Hydroelectric power supplied to Washington State:

The Columbia River flows through the dam and is an ever present entity on the landscape through central Washington:

A video of riding through central Washington past the rolling hills of green and brown.

A stop at a restaurant in Wilbur Washington, when you need an Alibi :-) ... Classic American food that you find in any small town:

And back out on the plains again with rolling hills all around:

Finally rolling into Eastern Washington, Idaho mountains off in the distance:

From there I went to my lodgings in Moscow Idaho for the night.

Motorcycle Trip To Moscow, Idaho

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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: