Motorcycle Trip to the Olympic Peninsula, Oregon and Home 2020-05-13 to 2020-05-16

A map of the Route we took around the Olympic Peninsula down to Oregon and back home. Total distance was about 1,000 miles. I discussed a ride with Cody, a riding buddy, and we decided to take a break, this break from work was REALLY needed. Some sunshine, some rain. But we were still riding which was better than NOT riding. The trip took four days. As is usual in May for Washington State the weather was a mixed bag. As to weather, an example is a trip in August (this was Rialto Beach all fogged in) to the Hoh rainforest also had rain so YMMV. Just plan and go. Look at the weather maps, gear up and go ride.

Just a few notes about the route. MOST of it is 2 lane roads. Absolutely beautiful. You are always coming around a bend on mountains or around a corner and there is the sea and beach.

When you get into the coastal regions the roads may not be perfect, subsidence happens on these roads quite a bit so take it easy and watch for roads that are uneven. They might have cracks or even worse have areas that have sunk down / dropped several inches. There are also sections that have gravel / rock. Heads up.

But you are on the northern end of Highway 101, the west coast highway, considered one of the better scenic riding highways. Enjoy the coastline. Keep on riding and you will end up in Los Angeles :-) ...

All in all a fantastic ride, well worth the minor (or more) amounts of rain. The total miles clocked in at about 1,000 miles. Gas at less than $2.00 / Gallon at times.

The four day trip

Motorcycle Trips

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